- Dental surgery, such as painless removal of wisdom teeth and adequate treatment of root tip infections
- Aesthetic surgery (EAFPS) (botox treatments-fillers-eyelid corrections)
- Orthognatic surgery
- Jaw orthopedics / jaw-chin corrections
- Sleep apnea treatment (best quality mouthguards against snoring)
- Implantology
2005-2009 Specialization Oral diseases, dental and facial surgery, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam (AMC)
2005 Dental exam, Free University of Brussels
2001-2005 Maxillo-Facialsurgery, Maastricht University Hospital (AZM)
2000-2001 General surgery, Maastricht University Hospital (AZM)
1998-2000 Plastic surgery, Albert Schweitzer Hospital Dordrecht
1998 Medical exam, Erasmus University Rotterdam
1991-1998 MSc. Medicine, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Work experience as a surgeon
2019 - present Kaak Medical Center (KMC), Amsterdam
2015 - present Dijklander Hospital, Purmerend
2011 - present Zaans Medical Center (ZMC), Zaandam
2010 AZ Monica Antwerp
2009 St. Antonius Hospital Woerden
- Dental surgery, such as painless removal of wisdom teeth and adequate treatment of root tip infections
- Aesthetic surgery (EAFPS) (botox treatments-fillers-eyelid corrections)
- Traumatology
- Orthognatic surgery
- Jaw orthopedics / jaw-chin corrections
- Implantology (NVOI)
- Salivary Gland Pathology & Surgery
2019 MSc Aesthetic Surgery of the Face (WEAC / EFMZ)
2019 Master thesis 2019: "Literature review on rejuvenation of the mid- / lower face and neck using different techniques such as chin osteotomy, implant genioplasty, filler treatment, fat grafting, botulinumtoxin A injections and laser / ultrasound therapy"
2010 Implantologist (NVOI)
2005 Peripheral part MKA training, Alkmaar (MCA) and United Kingdom
2003-2007 Specialization Oral Diseases, Oral and Facial Surgery VuMC Amsterdam
1998-2003 MSc. Medicine, VU Amsterdam. Doctor's exam 'Cum laude'
1998 Clinical internship and epidemiology study "Facial Trauma" in Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town-SA
1992-1998 MSc. Dentistry, ACTA (UvA) Amsterdam
Work experience as a surgeon
2019 - present Kaak Medical Center (KMC), Amsterdam
2016 - present Dijklander Hospital, Purmerend
2008 - present Zaans Medical Center (ZMC), Zaandam
- Dental surgery, such as painless removal of wisdom teeth and adequate treatment of root tip infections
- Traumatology
- Orthognatic surgery
- Jaw orthopedics / jaw-chin corrections
- Implantology
2015-2019 Specialization Oral Diseases and Oral and Facial Surgery, VU MC Amsterdam
2010-2014 MSc. Dentistry, ACTA Amsterdam
2000-2008 MSc. Medicine, VU University Amsterdam
Work experience as a surgeon
2019 - present Kaak Medical Center (KMC), Amsterdam
2010-2019 Oral diseases, dental and facial surgery: 'Effects of radiotherapy in the mandible', VUmc/ACTA, Amsterdam

Malou Olthof

Britt van der Zee

Mark Heres

Maran Groot

Shadée Joosten