Root point surgery (apex resection)
Below the visible part of a tooth is the root. A root canal runs inside each root. This canal is filled with pulp. This can become inflamed due to tooth decay, a leaking filling or a fall. In that case, your dentist performs a root canal treatment. If root canal treatment is not possible or desired, an apex resection or root tip surgery is performed. To perform root tip surgery, the oral surgeon makes a small incision in the gum and flips it open slightly. He then uses a small drill bit to drill through the bone to the tip of the root and clean the root. Often, a piece of the root tip is also removed. He then fills the end of the root canal with a small filling. This way, the canal is closed, preventing new inflammation in the future. Root tip surgery is performed under local anaesthesia and is painless. You are welcome to come to us for root tip surgery with a referral from your dentist.