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Coronavirus (COVID-19) measures

The world in the grip of a pandemic caused by the corona virus. For this reason, the government has ruled that since 22 April, oral health practices can resume offering regular patient care, subject to certain conditions.

We can imagine that this raises quite a few questions for you.
Because how can you go to the oral surgeon where different patients and staff come together without getting infected?

Below is question and answer for our patients.

I have complaints, I sneeze and cough a lot, can I make an appointment?

No, any patient with symptoms such as cold, sneezing, coughing, sore throat, tightness of the chest, fever (more than 38⁰C), to protect other patients and our own staff, we cannot allow them to visit us. If you have housemates who are ill or have Corona-related symptoms, we also prefer not to make an appointment.
The same applies to patients aged 70 and over, people in home isolation or those living in an institution (nursing home) with a mental disability.

Not long ago, I had Corona and I have an appointment scheduled. Should I cancel my appointment?

If you have fully recovered, you are free to visit. Please note that you will have been cured of Corona for more than 2 weeks.

What exactly does the treatment look like?

Due to the measures, both reception as well as treatment is different from normal. We receive our patients with a smile, but will not shake your hand. We will not serve you coffee or tea, nor will it be possible to use the toilet. As hand hygiene appears to be a major source of infection in this viral outbreak, we ask you to wash your hands with soap and water or disinfect with hand alcohol when entering the practice. After cleaning, be careful not to touch your face and/or items such as mobile phone and keys again. Furthermore, in the waiting room we try to keep the 1.5-metre distance advised by the central government. In the treatment room, we adhere to the Directive on Infection Prevention in Oral Care Practices. For some treatments, it may be desirable to rinse your mouth for 1 minute. We will indicate this in good time and give you plenty of space to do so. After treatment, the entire treatment area is disinfected. In addition to the Guidelines for Infection Prevention in Oral Care Practices, we adhere to the hygiene measures of RIVM in order to protect you and ourselves.

How does patient enrolment proceed without contact?

Patient registrations are at the counter. To maintain appropriate distance and avoid contact, do not step over the marked line. This line is marked on the ground, in front of the counter. After you have disinfected your hands, we will ask you to place the following documents on the counter: 1. Referral letter from your dentist (unless mailed); 2. ID or passport; 3. Health declaration, which you can fill in at the counter; 4. If you are taking medication, a list of medication. With gloves, the counter assistant or practice manager will take these documents from the counter and complete the registration. After registration, all your personal documents will be placed back on the counter, where you can collect them again.

It would be nice if I can accompany my husband to the consultation. Is that allowed?

Our practice is small-scale. If all accompanied patients were to visit our clinic, we cannot guarantee the 1.5-metre distance for other patients. If you still want to come together, we will ask your accompaniment to wait outside or in the car. After the treatment, we will call your accompaniment so that you can be collected. Children aged 18 and under are excluded from this rule. Only they may enter the practice accompanied (maximum 1 person). Please indicate this when making an appointment.

We are from outside Amsterdam and therefore want to leave on time. Can we wait with you until we are called for treatment?

To avoid crossing patient traffic, we do not admit anyone more than 10 minutes before the appointment. We schedule appointments extra liberally to avoid patients coming into contact with each other. If you arrive early, we ask you to wait outside the practice. Up to 10 minutes before your appointment. In the clinic, the number of waiting chairs has been minimised. Therefore, please take a seat in the chair assigned to you by the assistant. Please listen carefully to the instructions of our staff. After you are called for treatment, this chair will be disinfected.

How do I know your staff are not sick?

Every day, we enter our health data on the OLVG Corona check (Luscii). Behind this app is a team of healthcare professionals who closely monitor our data. If worrying data is entered, we are immediately called by a doctor. In consultation with the colleague concerned and the OLVG hospital, we will then check whether there is a risk of infection. If so, this colleague will not come to the clinic and will be excused from work for as long as necessary.

Furthermore, we operate according to the RIVM guidelines. Therefore, we wear personal protective equipment to avoid infecting others, but also to protect ourselves.

If you have any other questions, feel free to call: 06-29379489


Difficulties or after-bleeding can of course be prevented.
You can also call outside of our opening hours.